Enhanced Visualization

VB allows users to visualize complex information and environments in a more intuitive and immersive way. With WisTwin EYEDEA, remote experts can have a detailed understanding of the situation by virtually stepping into the shared environment, observing the surroundings, and gaining a comprehensive view of the problem at hand.

Real-Time Collaboration

VR enables real-time collaboration between remote experts and on-site personnel. Through WisTwin EYEDEA, experts can guide and assist on-site individuals by providing visual cues, annotations, and instructions within the shared virtual environment. This synchronous collaboration enhances communication and problem-solving capabilities.

Realistic Simulations Hands-On Training Scenario-Based Training
Realistic Simulations Hands-On Training Scenario-Based Training

Wistwin® offers several advantages using VR WisTwin EYEDEA

Spatial Awareness and Depth Perception

VB provides a sense of depth perception and spatial awareness, allowing remote experts to accurately assess distances, sizes, and proportions within the virtual environment. This helps in providing precise guidance and instructions, ensuring that on-site personnel can perform tasks accurately and safely.


Immersive Training and Knowledge Transfer

 VR can be used for immersive training and knowledge transfer in remote assistance scenarios. Experts can create virtual training modules or simulations within WisTwin EYEDEA, allowing on-site personnel to practice procedures, learn new skills, and gain hands-on experience in a safe and controlled virtual environment.


Cost and Time Efficiency

VR-based remote assistance can save costs and time associated with travel and logistics. Instead of physically traveling to the location, experts can remotely assist from anywhere using WisTwin EYEDEA. This reduces travel expenses, minimizes downtime, and enables faster response times in critical situations.


Remote Accessibility

VB remote assistance extends the reach of expertise to remote or hard-to-reach locations. With WisTwin EYEDEA, experts can provide assistance and support to individuals in different geographical locations, enabling access to specialized knowledge and resources that may not be readily available on-site.
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Virtual Training Hub

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